The pandemic is not over and many people are still trying to get back to their normal routines. This includes maintaining an office and making sure the work environment is clean. However, it can be difficult to slow the spread of the virus, even with diligence. Our Office Cleaning Services Calgary recommends the following tips for maintaining a clean and hygienic office during the pandemic:
Wash your hands frequently. You can use a wet wipe to maintain a clean workspace and forearms. You can also carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer that you can use when needed. If you can’t get to a sink, you can hold your hands under the faucet for the recommended time, which is 20 seconds for the virus to live. If you get the flu, you can use a wet wipe to help lessen the spread.
Limit the number of people who enter your office. Some people may not be infected with the virus, but others may be carriers. If you have a small office, you may want to limit the number of people who enter the room to a few people, who do not have any symptoms.
Clean up your work area. If you can’t get to the sink to wash your hands, you can use a wet wipe to wipe down your desk, computer, and other surfaces. If you have a small office, you may want to throw a sheet over your desk area to prevent any possible contamination.
Keep your desk and workstation area clean. This can be a challenge, but if you can keep your desk and workstation area clean, it will limit the spread of the virus and help limit the chances of someone getting sick. If you have an open office, be sure to keep your desk and workstation area clean.
Take the initiative to keep your work area clean. If you are unsure of how to clean your work area, you can contact your employer’s department to see if they have a cleaning service they can use and/or if they have any suggestions on home cleaning tips.
If you still want peace of mind when attempting to keep a clean and hygienic office in Calgary or Edmonton, contact our professional cleaning services and make an appointment now.