As more people return to in-person work, regular and consistent commercial cleaning of workspaces has become more critical. Cleaning your business during the pandemic to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and the Omicron variant is a top priority for most responsible business owners.
Furthermore, most employees feel more secure returning to in-person work, knowing their place of employment provides daily janitorial services. Let Joel Cleaning provide professional cleaning services if you have an open business in Alberta and British Columbia.
Employees feel more comfortable returning to work, and regular janitorial services prevent workplace shortages due to sick leave. Furthermore, it helps to build customer and staff confidence in your business.
Cleaning and disinfecting workplace surfaces can also reduce the risk of infections. With overflowing hospitals and healthcare worker shortages, employees want to avoid illness and Covid-19 or its variants.
According to the CDC:
“Cleaning with products containing soap or detergent reduces germs on surfaces by removing contaminants and decreases the risk of infection from surfaces.”
Cleaning your business during the pandemic is essential for a healthy environment.
How should your business’ commercial cleaning practices change in current times? The CDC recommends disinfecting in addition to cleaning more frequently for shared spaces. High-risk spaces to focus your professional cleaning services on include:
- Areas with high traffic
- Locations without easy access to hand washing or hand sanitizer
- Poorly ventilated spaces
- Areas that may be trafficked by people with a higher chance of COVID-19 infection
- If someone has been sick or tested positive for COVID-19 and has been in your workspace within 24 hours, you should disinfect AND clean the area.
The COVID-19 virus and its variants can land on any surface. When people come in contact with those surfaces, they can become infected by touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. Although surface transmission is lower than person-to-person, cleaning and disinfecting workspaces using professional cleaning services is imperative.
Trust Joel Cleaning for your professional cleaning and Janitorial Services.
Joel Janitorial Services is located in Alberta and British Columbia. We provide all your commercial cleaning, disinfecting, and professional janitorial services. Joel knows cleaning your business during the pandemic is essential to protecting your employees, yourself, and the general public.
Even if your business spaces look clean at first glance, what would we see upon further inspection? In today’s environment and with risks of infection, your business can not be caught with issues like stained walls, foggy windows, old stains in corners or tiles, dust, dander, buildup, etc.
In 2022, with public health issues like COVID-19 and Omicron, neglectful cleaning sent a worse message than ever. Whereas it used to stand for laziness, now it represents serious illness. That’s why Joel’s commercial cleaning & janitorial company is 100% committed to delivering spotless disinfectant-grade sanitization to any workspace.
What type of cleaning services does Joel’s Cleaning provide?
- Basic Cleaning Janitorial Services: The basics include all the essential foundations of cleaning. For instance: vacuuming, mopping, bathrooms, kitchen, and dusting.
- Deep Commercial Cleaning Services: Deep cleaning gets the deep grime and dirt in
Every corner and crevice. We make sure every space is noticed. Furthermore, walls are
cleaned and disinfected using HEPA/ULPA filtration. This vacuum feature captures
microscopic allergens.
Floor Stripping & Waxing
Don’t let your employees or customers feel uncomfortable when entering your business space by seeing a dingy floor. When your floors sparkle, it looks beautiful and lets everyone know the area is sanitized.
Carpet Floor Cleaning Services:
Cleaning your business during the pandemic includes carpet cleaning. Not only are dirty carpets ugly and unsettling, but they can also harbor mold, dust, pollutants, and whatever people drag in with their shoes. Deep cleaning regularly is essential to maintaining a healthy environment for your employees and customers.
Windows Cleaning Services
is an essential commercial cleaning job. We will provide spotless windows to remind your staff how clean their workspace is!
Disinfectant & Sanitizer Spray
Your business is at risk of spreading the Coronavirus and its variants to staff and customers. That’s why disinfecting and sanitizing are essential. Joel Cleaning employs eco-friendly and green chemical products recommended by Health Canada standards for sanitization and disinfection contracts.
Times are changing, and there’s no fighting it. If you want your business to run smoothly in 2022 and beyond, it is essential to clean regularly. Not just wiping down a few counters, you need to implement consistent commercial cleaning for your business during the pandemic.
From now on, janitorial services must be included in every open business. Let Joel Cleaning keep your employees and customers safe from infection from COVID and its variants with our professional cleaning services.